Dad Makes School Lunch Mistake That Leaves Daughter Vomiting in Agony

Photo: (Photo : Ferda Demir/Getty Images for Hakan Akkaya)

A well-meaning dad, who helps his kids get ready for school, shared how he messed up his daughter's school lunch that sent her vomiting in agony.

The dad shared in a Reddit discussion that he made the mistake of packing one of three sandwiches he prepared for his kids and his wife. However, one of the sandwiches had The Last Dab, one of the spiciest and hottest sauces in the world.

That sandwich was supposed to be for his wife, who preferred extreme flavors because she had weak tastebuds. The dad didn't realize right away that he switched the sandwiches and packed the one meant for his wife for his daughter's school lunch.

A few hours later, he got a call from his older daughter, who said that her sister was in agony and had been vomiting at the nurse's clinic. Then it dawned on him that he packed the wrong sandwich for his little girl.

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Her Whole Body on Fire

The father explained that The Last Dab hot sauce became popular on YouTube and had a Scoville unit rating of nearly three million. According to Mash, a Scoville unit measures the heat of different kinds of pepper, and if it's three million, it's definitely not for the weak.

"It's powerful, it sets your whole body on fire and there isn't much to do but try milk and wait for the spice to pass," the dad said.

Knowing what happened, the dad rushed to his daughter's school and was scolded by the nurse about how bad spicy foods are for young children. The school principal also had to file an incident report even though he understood that it was an unintended mistake.

His daughter eventually recovered from eating the wrong school lunch, and the family had a good laugh afterward. However, the father also concluded that this was a very important lesson to learn, and he promised he wouldn't be making "radioactive" school lunches for his kids.

Ideally, children can be exposed to different flavors, including hot and spicy foods, so they won't become picky eaters. However, doctors have warned that kids may still be sensitive to some tastes and could experience discomfort and pain that could lead to other health issues, so it's best to wait to introduce spicy food until they are ready.

Dad Judged for School Lunch for Toddler

Meanwhile, another dad who prepares his toddler's school lunch received criticisms from some mothers on social media. He told Daily Mail that he was ripped apart after sharing a photo of his kid's school lunch that had some moms react negatively.

They said that the dad packed spaghetti that may be too cold to eat by lunchtime. Some mothers suggested that he should pack the spaghetti in a thermos to maintain its quality. The other moms said they wouldn't hold back their comments for the sake of "equality" since other mothers also get criticized for sharing their school lunch ideas.

The moms also said that the packed lunch seems to be missing a dessert or sweet treat like a chocolate chip. However, the dad explained that he and his wife agreed that their child gets enough sugar from the berries in her school lunch.

He also said that the preschool sometimes heats the children's food. He noticed that when it doesn't get warmed up, his child doesn't eat the cold lunch. Despite the criticisms, the dad thanked them for their suggestions and comments.

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