Explicit Remark about Child Printed on a Bar’s Receipt

For a St Louis dad, Father's Day turned out to be quite an unpleasant one after a waitress at Friendly's Sports Bar & Grill printed an explicit remark about his son on the customer receipt.

On Father's Day, Joseph Gibson called the bar to ask whether it would be fine if he brings his child for an afternoon meal. Usually, the bar forbids entry below 21 years of age, but the manager Dennis Domachowski allowed it because it was Father's Day.

Gibson placed an order for a fried chicken for himself and his son's favorite dish, chicken leg. According to Gibson, the service was smooth and the waitress was polite. But what came after was shocking for the father. There was "F****n needy kids" printed next to the chicken leg order on the receipt.

Gibson then demanded an explanation from the waitress and all she could say was that it was a joke meant only for the kitchen. He did not find the comment funny. "She could have picked better choice of words. It was deliberately typed in," Gibson told Fox News.

Gibson left the restaurant in frustration and called up Friendly's bar manager, Domachowski, who found nothing wrong in the remark and did not bother to apologize and hung up on him.

Gibson then posted a photo of the receipt on the Facebook page of St Louis Post-Dispatch. "So customers with children are a joke? This place isn't so friendly. I got nowhere with management," he wrote.

When contacted by St Louis Post-Dispatch, Domachowski later apologized for the incident and said that it should not have happened. "I can understand why the gentleman was upset and that's why I apologise," he added.

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