'The Elder Scrolls 6' Release Date, News & Update: Civil War To Break Out In Black Marsh For 'Skyrim' Sequel? Voiced Protagonist For Bethesda Game Anyone?

"The Elder Scrolls 6" will likely developer Bethesda Games Studios take Black Marsh into civil war, wreaking chaos among Argonians. As the lines are drawn on the "Skyrim" sequel of the hit RPG series, a change may be considered for protagonist treatment in "The Elder Scrolls 6."

Fans have been wondering how the civil war in the previous iterations of "The Elder Scrolls" will spill-over to the rest of Tamriel. Hints on the direction for "The Elder Scrolls 6" seem to support this as civil unrest seems to be fated for Black Marsh.

Citing NSEA, both "Skyrim" and "The Elder Scrolls Online" provide rich cues on the impending civil war among the Argonians. This supports theories that "The Elder Scrolls 6" will take on a Black Marsh setting and focusing on the Argoninans.

  The media outlet reports that Bethesda patented the name Argonia, presumably for "The Elder Scrolls 6." Following this vein, fans may keep a lookout for gaming mill churn-out on "The Elder Scrolls 6: Argonia" for the "Skyrim" sequel.

NSEA also points out to the potential in "The Elder Scrolls 6" for a rogue protagonist. Certainly fans have toyed with the idea of a war-worn Tamriel that will become evident in "The Elder Scrolls 6."

On the matter of "The Elder Scrolls 6" protagonist, Gaming Bolt proposes that a move toward using a voice actor would be unwise. Using the "Fallout 4" result as an example, the media outlet suggests that "The Elder Scrolls 6" should remain unchanged from Skyrim with an unvoiced protagonist and the existing dialog system.


Gaming Bolt, however, points out that were "The Elder Scrolls 6" to have a similar dialog system as "Witcher 3" then the use of a protagonist voice actor would work. The charm of "TES" is in its ability to profoundly engage players into its pages and only with such conditions would a voice actor benefit "The Elder Scrolls 6."

E3 2016 will certainly get a lot of attention from fans waiting for word on "The Elder Scrolls 6" and confirmation on Argonia in the Skyrim sequel. Release date projections are up in the air with proposals that "The Elder Scrolls 6" may make an appearance in 2017 and, more realistically, in 2019.

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