'The Elder Scrolls 6' Release Date, News & Update: Title Getting New Engine and Design Elements?

"The Elder Scrolls 6" release date could still be far away, but fans of the highly anticipated game continue to await further details. Just recently, Bethesda claimed that the game is not yet in production despite confirming its existence at the E3 2016.

While this unsettling news worried a handful of waiting fans, many understood where the "The Elder Scrolls 6" developers are coming from. In a Reddit forum, fans gave their opinions on Bethesda's recent announcement.

"Its not in development in the same way that Fallout 4 wasn't in development after Skyrim released," user HiraethLost said about "The Elder Scrolls 6" release date. "They historically start development on the next game in a franchise immediately after they finish the previous game."

"Pre-production has been underway for some time (I would imagine since Skyrim was concluded), they just haven't started 'making' the game yet because they're working on their other projects first. We knew that we would see the other games first, so this isn't that much of a surprise."

One fan shared an interesting theory about the game's development. The way he sees it, it could be highly possible that "The Elder Scrolls 6" release date could be taking time because of the new technology that will come with it.

"TES:VI might actually be getting a new engine," user NeroJoe noted about "The Elder Scrolls 6." Think about it. If Bethesda is working on a new engine, then they'd want to hold off on the development of their flagship series until it can be used to showcase their new technology... again this doesn't mean that nothing for the game has been created yet."

"Bethesda might be introducing some revolutionary design elements," he added. "Todd Howard mentioned technology that isn't even available yet."

What do you think of the latest "The Elder Scrolls 6" release date rumors?

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