[VIDEO] This Kid Jams Like He's Born To Be A Star! You've Got To Watch This Cutie!

Anyone who's into music knows that feeling when they hear their favorite song blasting on the radio. They get in the moment and begin to sing or dance along as if the song playing has been written just for them. In pop culture, this is referred to as the "jam" and this kid demonstrates what we all do when our jam is on. And he's actually pretty cool to watch!

Sitting at the back of the car, the little boy is seen strumming on his toy guitar as soon as a familiar song is played on the car radio. With every lyrics and notes, the kid lip syncs to the song -- which he actually knows -- and does so with adorable facial expressions.

He shows rhythm and timing like a pro musician. This kid has the potential to become a huge rock star! Watch this cutie jam to his song in this video below.

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