'Sherlock' Season 4 Dropped by Benedict Cumberbatch to Focus on 'Doctor Strange'?

Rumors are rife that "Sherlock" season 4 could be the last for the well-liked show. Several reports have already hinted that the upcoming could be the last season, and even its showrunner, Stephen Moffat is unsure of its future state.

In a recent interview, Moffat addressed some pressing issues about "Sherlock" season 4, including its speculated end. "I don't know how long we can keep it going," he said as reported by Sydney Morning Herald. "I'm personally willing, but I'm hardly the main draw. I would be moderately surprised if this was the last time we ever made this show. But it absolutely could be."

Despite its end being a great possibility, "Sherlock" season 4 spoilers hint that the upcoming run will not be anything short of awesome. As the first photo of the upcoming run revealed, it looks like season 4 will be taking on Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Hound of the Baskervilles."

Apart from this, director Rachel Talalay who will helm the "Sherlock" season 4 premiere, shared how she incorporated big screen techniques into the show. "t's an interesting balance. You know that your budget is a minuscule fraction [of a big Hollywood movie] but the expectations are that you provide feature-level [quality] on every front," she told Entertainment Weekly.

"One of the big differences is just the amount of prep time. So, for instance, we had a stunt sequence with a complicated effect within it. You've got Benedict, who's just come off Doctor Strange, and on that it would have been rehearsed for several weeks."

Stay tuned for more "Sherlock" season 4 spoilers and updates here!

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