Worst Celebrity Moms: Madonna, Kris Jenner & More! Writer Lists Celebs That Failed on Motherhood

Mirror UK's Polly Hudson released a list of celebrities who are at their worst when it comes to parenting. The British website has observed that the following celebrity moms have likely failed in honing the ideal offspring, one way or another.

Let's see who made the list:


    Madonna's 18-year old daughter, Lourdes, has not been shy in questioning her mother's daring looks on stage. Madonna has admitted to worrying about Lourdes a lot as her daughter embarks on college life. The singer may have gone overboard in ensuring her daughter's good well-being as an adult. But, is the singer willing to modify her sexually enticing image for her adult daughter's sake?

    Kris Jenner

    Kris Jenner is mom to the Kardashian sisters. Her most popular daughter, Kim, who is now married to rapper Kanye West, rose to fame because of a sex tape. As of present, Kris is also the manager of her kids and is being criticized for raising her children in the limelight of reality TV.

    Gwyneth Paltrow

    Paltrow has reportedly echoed her sentiments about the hardships of being a working celebrity mom.

    She told E!: "I think it's different when you have an office job, because it's routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening. When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult. I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it's not like being on set."

    In a Hollywood Life article, Angelina Jolie lashed out and had these things to say in response to Paltrow's opinion, "I'm not a single mom with two jobs trying to get by every day. I have much more support than most people, most women in this world. And I have the financial means to have a home and health care and food."

    Josie Cunningham

    Hudson calls out Cunningham saying she "planned to abort them so she could go on Big Brother." The European model has since engaged in Twitter rants with other stars in relation to her outrageous insights.

    Katie Hopkins

    The British media personality recently dissed Kelly Clarkson for her weight, according to US Weekly. Hopkins insensitively criticized the Idol winner's post-baby weight in these written comments: "Jesus, what happened to Kelly Clarkson? Did she eat all of her backing singers?"

    "Look chubsters, Kelly Clarkson had a baby a year ago. That is no longer baby weight. That is carrot cake weight. Get over yourselves."

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