'The Winds of Winter' Release Date & Major Spoilers: 'Game of Thrones' Spin-Off Hinted After Sixth Novel's Launch?

As fans continue to await more details about "The Winds of Winter" release date, speculations about its development circulate online. Author George R.R. Martin has been pretty private about the specifics of his sixth novel, and it has worried some fans who are anxiously waiting for his new work.

However, a new report from HNGN claims that author previously confirmed that "The Winds of Winter" release date would most likely come before the seventh season of "Game of Thrones" premieres on the small screen. His statement combined with a recent release date "leak" from Amazon France has made many fans believe that a 2017 launch is underway.

Apart from writing "The Winds of Winter," Martin has reportedly written a lot of material. This has spurred more fans to speculate that a "Game of Thrones" spin-off could already be in place after the eight and final season airs in 2018.

Meanwhile, it was previously suggested that some believe that "TWOW" is nearly finished, and that the author is just taking his time tweaking its contents. In a Reddit forum, "The Winds of Winter" fans have speculated that Martin is just enjoying his privacy and has used this time to re-read and re-write the next novel.

Other fans also believe that "The Winds of Winter" release date delay could be caused by the release of the seventh and last novel, "A Dream of Spring." There have been rumors that the two novels could be launched at the same time.

Stay tuned for more "The Winds of Winter" release date updates and spoilers here!

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