High-Fat Ketogenic Diet: Researchers Re-examine Its Puzzling Health Impact; Is It Safe or Not?

The ketogenic diet has been trending for the past three years because of the theory that fat can help one lose weight. Nonetheless, some experts say that weight loss through this diet is not healthy nor can last for a long time.

High-fat ketogenic diet has been used under close control under physicians and dietitians since the 1920s for treating epilepsy. It has also given an amazing effect on managing brain cancer. Nonetheless, it has not been so consistent for weight loss.

At least 70 percent of daily calories come from fat in the Ketogenic diet. And then five to 10 percent of calories come from carbohydrates. The rest of the daily energy comes from protein. The Institute of Medicine recommends 45 to 65 percent carbs, 20 to 35 percent fat and 10 to 35 percent protein. The ketogenic diet seems to be off the balance.

Ketogenic has gained popularity because of the wonderful benefits it gave to many. First is the less need to count calories. Second is the lesser time to feel hungry and attaining weight loss fast. The fourth is the potential heart health benefits it gives.

The disadvantages, on the other hand, stretch from the social life to the physical health of a person. Some say it is kind of boring diet and is not easy to sustain. It is also said to promote imbalances in the digestive system while having a higher risk for nutrient deficiency.

Some people feared Ketogenic diet just to give immediate weight loss, but in the long run, it would lead to obesity because it is a high-fat diet. However, a study published in NCBI concluded that ketogenic diet, upon thorough research and tests, has acted as a natural therapy for weight reduction in obese patients actually. The study also supported this by saying that having the Ketogenic diet for a relatively long period of time is safe.

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