A lot of parents would say that the most difficult stages of parenting are when your children are entering their teen years. This is the point where your kids are starting to make decisions on their own and they are now knowledgeable about certain things and what are the right things to do and what is not. This is also the stage of your children's lives where they start to demand about the things that they want, including their own privacy.
When kids reach their teenage years, it's normal for them to ask for their own privacy. As they grow older, they face a lot of challenges in life and gain learning and knowledge every day. They begin to explore who they are and what kind of person they want to become. Some might even try to fit into a certain group or passion they want to do in their life. They become more open to more possibilities and they develop their thinking skills and social interaction skills drastically through time. With this, they might want to have their own space and time to think and create things for themselves and sort things out, that is why their privacy really matters to them.
As to parents, we know it's hard to let our children go out to explore the world on their own, and it takes a lot of adjustment, understanding, and effort for you to do so. Other parents find it a hard time to let their kids go because of the reason that teenagers are still young and still has a lot of things to learn before exploring the unknown. To some parents, they are afraid to give their teenagers the privacy that they need because they might start hiding things from them. But, parents should know that the only way teenagers can learn is through their own experiences. It is also important for parents to realize that giving their teenagers their own privacy can make them think that they are trustworthy and they will have a sense of responsibility on whatever they do with it. Being protective of your teenagers is normal but do not deprive them of their own privacy because it is their right.
If you clearly understand the importance of privacy to your teenagers, it won't be hard for you to gain their trust as well. Respect should be the foundation of your relationship with your teenager, and it should be clear, especially to you as a parent, that if you respect their privacy, you will be able to mold them into a trustworthy and independent people for the future.
How Trust And Privacy Are Connected
It's part of the teenage phase that teens most likely expect that parents can trust them with more things that they do when they were younger. It is also normal for teens to crave for independence, maturity, and responsibility. Giving your teens the opportunity to stand on their feet and do stuff on their own will make them feel that you trust them. Parents should also keep in mind that space and privacy are important to give to their teenagers not only for them to gain trust but also it's part of their development as a person.
A part of this privacy demand from teens is that they rapidly experience change not only mentally and emotionally but also physically as well. The teenage stage is the most crucial part of growing because this is where teens try to figure out who they are. There might be instances that teenagers might be into clothes that make them comfortable and confident, but parents do not approve of their type of fashion. As parents, you need to weigh things over and talk to them about it and understand their point of view. Keep in mind that every change that is happening in this development stage is perfectly normal.