Flying with your child isn't easy, they are unpredictable and a crying child throughout the whole flight can make you and the other passengers go insane. You will also need to multi-task, you need to have all of the things that they need, calm them down when they get scared or irritated during the flight and talk to other passengers about the inconvenience that your situation might have caused.
All of this can be too much, especially for first-time parents. Luckily, experienced parents shared survival tips on how you can fly with your child without ruining the whole trip.
A survival guide on flying with your child
Understand that your child will probably cry once the plane takes off, and that is perfectly fine. If you have a baby or a toddler, you do not need to worry too much because it is normal for them to feel scared and confused since they are experiencing something for the first time.
Observe your child's routine and it is best that you book a flight that suits it. If your child sleeps early, you can book a flight at night because the chances are they will be fast asleep by the time that the plane takes off and they will wake up as soon as you land. Have a bottle ready or a pacifier in case your child needs it to keep them preoccupied.
A baby crying on a plane is not the only thing that is unpredictable, babies burp and vomit too, usually right after feeding. Since they will be thousands of feet above ground and turbulence will happen, their tiny stomachs might not be able to handle it. Just to be safe, pack clothes for yourself and keep them in your backpack so you can change immediately if you need to.
It is also important to bring snacks during a flight. Although airlines provide snacks for you, they may not be the ones that your child is used to. To be on the safe side, it is better to pack snacks that your child eats regularly so that you can keep him or her distracted. You can also give your child snacks when you feel like he or she is starting to get upset.
Aside from choosing a good flight schedule, you also need to choose a good seat. You can ask the airlines to assign you in a seat that can recline so that you can put your child to sleep. You can also tell them that you will bring your child with you so they can assign you to an area that has seats for children. Being seated in the right arrangement can make your flight with your child easier.
What to do when you land
As soon as you land, make sure that you and your child get as much fresh air as needed. You've been in an enclosed space for hours and that feeling could upset your child. If you have toddlers or small children with you, let them walk around and stretch their legs.
During your stay, let your children play as much as they like before you hop on another plane ride home. This can lessen the chance of them throwing a tantrum because they've been outside the whole time that you've been on vacation.