On the 5th of June of every year, people celebrate World Environment Day. For today, try to lessen the things that emit chemicals harming nature. You might not know, but there are many things you use that could harm the Earth. Let us take a look at the every day things that we use that harm the environment.

Plastic food containers
Most plastic containers contain chemicals called phthalates. Phthalates interfere with the body's endocrine system. They produce adverse reproductive, developmental, and neurological effects in people. When plastics break down, they release dangerous chemicals into food. It would be better to use glass containers for your food every day if possible.
Baby care products
You might not be aware, but there are baby products that harm the environment. Some baby care products contain flame-retardants like cribs, high chairs, and strollers. Examples of flame-retardants are chlorine and bromine. They could cause many sexual and neurological disorders.

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Many mattresses contain a potentially harmful compound called PBDEs. PBDE stands for polybrominated diphenyl ethers. It is also used in other furniture to retard flame. Exposure to PBDE causes health problems.
People could have decreased sperm quality, thyroid problems, and damage to the brain and reproductive system. We should be concerned because we spend one-third of our lives in bed every day. Check your mattress, and if it contains the harmful chemicals, you might consider buying a new one.
Corn and soybeans
Roundup Ready Crops (RR Crops) are genetically-modified crops to withstand the herbicide. Roundup affects the body's enzyme defenses that keep us healthy. Corn and soybeans are a few of the crops with altered DNA. Make sure to choose organic when buying them.

TV and game consoles
Power cords of controller cables of game consoles and other devices contain phthalates. Circuit boards and casings contain flame-retardants. Both phthalates and flame-retardants could cause impaired brain development.
Dry-cleaned clothes
Dry-cleaners usually use a cleaning chemical called perchloroethylene (or PCE). PCE is known to cause cancer and other organ damage. It may affect the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Even though many states and cities are phasing them out, PCE is still widely used by others.
It could be the last thing that you could think of that produces toxins to the world. Words are powerful enough to affect the health of the people around you. Try your best to cut down on the use of toxic words every day. Doing so could help everyone around you to have a better place to live.
As much as possible, try to use less of the listed toxic things that you use every day. It should not be done only on the 5th of June every year. The world is already receiving too much damage from the other things that we could not avoid. So for these things that we can, try to lessen every day. Your children and grandchildren would thank you later for taking care of the world for their future survival.