In the United States, the percentage of children living with single parents has been rising. In 2017, one out of five children is living with a single parent. That is the highest rate recorded in the world.
Single parenting creates this certain stereotype that people seem to still put together, even at this age and time.
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Some believe that being single parenting is becoming more common and should not be filled with too much stereotypes.
Here are some of those myths about single parents and why they should remain as a myth forever:
Single parents are bad parents
Just because the marriage is over, single parents are labeled as the bad ones.
That is a myth. It may not be applicable in all conditions, but singles parents say that marriage does not take away being a loyal friend or a great parent.
Single parents' lives are miserable
There is always this belief that not having a partner can be miserable.
For single parents, lives could be harder since they do the job of supposedly two parents, but they say it is not a life of misery. On the contrary, single parents believe that misery makes a life.
Single parents can never be successful
Life could have been difficult for single parents, but limiting them on what they can or cannot do is just plain wrong.
This myth could be something coming from the fact that single parents are having a handful of tasks. However, one characteristic of single parents that disprove this is that they do not give up easily. Single parents are known to be movers and shakers, that is why being successful is not a long shot, after all.
Single parents are desperate to find a new partner
Because of probably the failed relationship, single parents are usually cautious when it comes to the dating world.
Since single parents have prioritized the kids, finding a new partner could be in the list of priority, but never at the top.
Being a single parent is fun because of dating
For most single parents, dating can be exhausting.
Again, previous relationships have affected decisions that are to be made while dating. The insecurities brought by the last relationship will be amplified.
Also, the kids are always factored in when dating a new person. Questions like, "Will he/she be willing to sacrifice time with me if I need to be there for my kids?" arise.
Single parents have a lot of alone time
A myth! Single parents are swamped with tasks in the house that they are now expected to do alone. That is why single parents have very little chance to be alone.