Every wedding invitation is like the beginning of the entire wedding planning process.
Even with the rampant use of email or electronic invites, a wedding invitation in print or the traditional wedding invitation wordings is still prominent.
For marrying couples who find it challenging to choose the right words for their wedding invitations, here are some of the wordings that might help:
Who is hosting the wedding?
Most wedding invites begin with the answer to this question.
As per tradition, it is the brides' parents' names that appear at the host line. However, the names of both sets of parents is a more respectful option. For example, this line may go,
"Jane Liza, daughter of Mr. Rick and Marie Liza,
Rob Will, son of Mr. Jon Will and Mary Will..."
Nowadays, some couples pay for their wedding. In this case, the host line should go,
"Along with their parent, Jane and Rob request..."
The Request to Come
The critical part of a wedding invitation's wording is the part where the expected guests are invited. So requesting their presence should be convincing. Some of the options are:
- Please join us for our wedding.
- invite you to join them as they say, "I do."
- Please help us celebrate our love.
- request the pleasure of your company as they exchange vows
- would be honored to have you present when we exchange vows
- joyfully invite you to share in a celebration of love and commitment
These wordings can be formal or relaxed, depending on the preference of the marrying couple.
The date and time
For the guests to arrive on time, the wedding invitation should be clear in stating the wedding's date and time.
When it comes to the date, writing the year is optional since it is always assumed that the wedding will happen in the nearest date.

For the time, spelling it out is the way to go for formal invitations. However, if it is a casual wedding, numerals are okay.
The location of the wedding and reception

The goal is not to lose guests with confusing directions. So as much as possible, the location should be stated in a concise but easy-to-understand manner. Street names and numbers are not necessary if the venue is easy to find.
The dress code
If the marrying couple wants to have a dress code, it should be written and included in the invitation's details. This way, no one will feel out of place during the wedding day.