Two toddlers have been orphaned when adoptive mom died due to COVID-19; the two adult daughters have since sought custody of the children and are now taking care of them.
Lunisol Guzman, who was born in the Dominican Republic, was a single-mom and had raised three children. She was already 46 when she decided to foster a baby boy, Zavion, who she would adopt two years later.
When Zavion's biological mom had another child, a baby girl name Jazzmyn, Guzman adopted the baby as well. So, the two siblings now have the same adoptive mother who will raise them together.
She considered adoption because she felt something was missing
Guzman's daughter, Katherine, thinks that her mom's desire to adopt was influenced by a traumatic event in her life. She was a young adult then and had a dfficult pregnancy. An emergency operation saved her life but she lost the baby boy she was carrying.
Guzman moved to New Jersey when she was in her early 20s and had driven a campus shuttle at Montclair State University, Missourian report noted. In 2019, Guzman got married to Ismael Lugo — who also had two children of his own — in Newark, New Jersey.
Their mom and her husband died due to COVID-19
Since the union, theirs became a big, loving family. But the happiness will not live long as the family would soon be struck with the loss of both parents. First, Ismael contracted COVID-19 and died.
Then just weeks after her husband died, Lunisol would follow the same fate. She also died from COVID-19. One of Guzman's daughters recalled her mother telling her that she was experiencing shortness of breath. And she said, "Mom, we didn't even know that you were feeling that sick."
She said her mom was in the hospital on March 27 and four days later went into cardiac arrest. Suddenly, the four-year-old boy and his two-year-old sister are orphaned. However, Lunisol's two adult daughters, Katherine and Jennifer, immediately sought custody of the two young children.
Zavion now lives with Jennifer and her husband while Jazzmyn lives with Katherine and her boyfriend. Jennifer is in Newark and Katherine lives in nearby Elizabeth, so it is not difficult for them to meet so the toddlers could be together and play. .
To Katherine, it was a curse that they lost their mom, but a blessing to have the two youngsters. "We gained two little angels, who my mom adopted and we will continue to raise them together as a team."
They are going to grow up knowing who they are, she said, and what "our mother did for them." And it is essentially what they are going to do for them too, she added.
They said that Zavion and Jazzmyn are the reason why they managed to keep it together thus far because they know that they are relying on them.
The children would still occasionally say that they miss their mommy. "We want to continue our mother's work and that is the most important thing."
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