Cluster feeding is one of the trends in breastfeeding your newborns. Usually, newborn babies feed every two to three hours, summing up to eight to 12 times a day. However, there are times or days when your little one feeds even before the two hours is up or right after you have just breastfed her.
It happens when your baby is fussy and cries even after checking all the possible reasons why she is frustrated. You would know that your little one wants to cluster feed after finding that no diapers needed to be changed or that she does not want to give out a burp.
As a parent, all you want is the best for your baby. Because feeding right after a feeding session is tiresome, especially for breastfeeding moms, there are ways you could do when dealing with cluster feeding.
Acknowledge and acceptance
Not all babies are the same. When you realize your baby needs to feed often, acknowledging and accepting it is the key to help your baby grow healthy. Grab the chance to bond more with your infant as she feeds.
Make yourself comfortable
Use pillows to help support you with your cluster feeding. Have snacks and water nearby so you could reach them when needed.
Seek help
While you get your hands full with taking care of your newborn, ask people from the household to help you with other things. You could have older kids help out in the kitchen or clean the house. Ask a friend to help you buy groceries, so you worry less about them.
Call the professionals
Seek the help of lactation consultants to help ensure that your baby is latching onto your breasts correctly. An incorrect position could lead to pains and frustrations on your side.
Address feeding pains
Irritated and sore nipples would not be helpful with your breastfeeding journey. You could use breast milk or lanolin butter to treat any pain you are feeling. Also, make sure that your baby is latching on correctly to avoid getting painful feeding.
Wear your baby
Using a baby carrier or a sling is helpful, especially when you need to carry your little one often throughout the day. Apart from that, it helps soothe your baby to sleep easier.
Change nursing positions
By experimenting with different nursing positions, you get to learn which one works best for both you and your baby. It also helps you rest your other body parts from changing positions.
Love yourself
A happy baby means a happy mommy. Do not forget to show love to yourself because you need it to care for your little one. Take a walk or have a breath of fresh air when needed.
Avoid making many plans
Making plans and not following them may frustrate you, so whenever you can, avoid making too much of it. With cluster feeding, you do not know when your baby would want to nurse more and for how long. If possible, try to be flexible when things do not go your way.
Be patient
Babies have unpredictable sleeping schedules and feeding time. If it lets you not clean the house for a day, be forgiving of yourself. The days may seem long, but soon, you will notice that the years are short. So go ahead and enjoy cluster feeding your baby because one day, you will miss it when the feeling is gone.