Comedian Amy Schumer said based on statistics, her son will likely have autism, like his dad, Chris Fischer, who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, Schumer said that she is not hoping either way and she "does not have a preference" whether or not their child, Gene, turns out to be autistic.
As per People, the topic came up with fellow comedian Chelsea Handler's podcast, "Dear Chelsea" on Friday.
Early diagnosis
Schumer said she believed that Gene is too young for diagnosis. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that ASD could sometimes be detected at 28 months or younger. At the age of two, a diagnosis from an experienced professional could be considered reliable. Usually, children get the final diagnosis when they get older.
Schumer said that one could see signs, but the diagnosis does not come later, and she honestly said she does not have a preference either way.
She added that parents should not be afraid of their child being diagnosed with autism. She said not everyone might be an incredible genius, but they have a natural talent for something.
The comedian noted people with autism are beautiful, loving, kind and good partners. Schumer previously discussed her husband's autism diagnosis in the 2019 Netflix special, "Growing."
On their son's second birthday, Schumer posted on her Instagram that Fischer held her hand and looked into her eyes during the three-hour session while she was delivering Gene.
According to Schumer, her husband did make her feel loved and supported always. Fischer, she added, takes care of the family and is a devoted husband and a father. She encouraged her husband to test himself if he had autism, as she had noted several signs linked to the condition. It turned out her husband is autistic.
Chris Fischer, a chef, is on the autism spectrum. Schumer said she was not surprised, as she knew from the beginning that her husband's brain was slightly different. Once her husband got diagnosed, she realized that all of the characteristics that made it clear he is autistic are the reasons she fell madly in love with him.
Schumer said that being diagnosed with autism helped the couple communicate and support each other better.
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Favorite people are on the spectrum
In 2019, an Instagram user commented on one of her posts asking how she copes with the possibility that her child will be on a spectrum.
She replied she did not think negatively about being on the spectrum. She added that her husband is her most favorite person she has ever met, as he is kind, hilarious, engaging, and talented. And asked, "Am I supposed to hope my son isn't like that?"
Schumer said that if Gene would be like his father, she said it would be terrific news.
She added that she would "pay attention" as a parent and give her son the tools necessary to overcome whatever challenges come up.
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