Emily Parker, 28, and Jennie Parker, 31, a married same-sex couple in Louisana, told their adopted daughter, Zoey Parker, that she could no longer attend kindergarten at the Bible Baptist Academy (BBA) due to their lifestyle choices.
The same-sex parents learned they needed to find a new school for Zoey as the couple's marriage didn't adhere to the teachings of the religious school in DeQuincy. The Parkers were informed about Zoey's status in the school in a meeting with a pastor and the school's director two days before the school year began.
The pastor told the couple that the academy was a religious-based institution that teaches kids more than just academics. He also told them that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
According to the couple, Zoey attended pre-school at the school last year, gained many friends there, and was loved by the teachers, per NBC News.
The institution's belief was different from the couples'
According to the statement posted on the school's website, BBA is committed to instructing and living in accordance with the teachings of the Scripture. According to them, the Bible teaches that every life has value and there is dignity in all people as we have been created in the image of God. T
he Bible teaches everyone to display love with the love of God despite personal choices. The institution strives to teach these learnings to the students and encourage them to show love and compassion to everyone. They are also committed to providing an environment that is consistent and firm to their beliefs.
"Regarding personal relationships, we hold that those relationships, whether in dating or marriage, should be between a man and a woman."
The statement concluded that there are times when their Christian values or the beliefs they believe in will not line up with the values of other people, but it should not be interpreted that the school has any hatred or malice toward them.
Zoey's biological aunt, Emily Parker, adopted the young girl on August 3 after the five-year-old's father died at 22 due to an accident at his job in September 2020.
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The couple showed love despite the incident
The Parkers were married in 2016. Emily said that she was dishonored and became self-conscious. The love, marital relationship, has constantly felt all-natural. The family members had constantly made them feel more than enough.
The partners said they are glad their child is not being educated at the Scriptures Baptist Academy. For them, the academy spreads hate for couples like them. There are Christian values that accept them, and they believe that excellent Christian values are the ones that do not teach hatred, such as what the school is doing, and they are the reason that the couple maintained their beliefs.
According to Future News For You, Zoey is now enlisted at the Hamilton Christian College in Lake Charles.
The couple had never been confronted so bluntly about the relationship they have.
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