How To Educate Kids On Bad Effects of Liquor

Parents are sometimes clueless on how they can explain the bad effects of alcohol to their young kids. Instead of not opening about the topic, experts encourage moms and dads to open their children's consciousness about alcohol and what it can do to their bodies.

Belfast Telegraph said parents can always do something to avoid their teenage kids from being influenced by peers to consume alcoholic drinks. It noted that they should monitor where their children are going and always try to stay in contact with them.

It also explained that there is no harm in talking about alcohol with children since they need to be educated about the effects of excessive drinking not only to their bodies but to their security as well.

The one-off alcohol talk, just like the sex talk, doesn't work. It should be more about having a conversation with your children about the dangers of drinking to excess and how it makes them vulnerable to all sorts of attacks and activities.

"Drunken fun can in seconds become a life-threatening situation," says Belfast Telegraph. "Friends can, and do disappear, leaving an inebriated teenager highly vulnerable."

Citing one example, the report said 13-year-old Catherine was found by the police lying along a Portadown street. She sustained an injury to the head, was vomiting and had a hard time speaking. She was apparently under the influence of alcohol and she almost got herself killed as a result.

According to Express, the cheaper prices of drinks in the market make it more dangerous for kids because they can have access to these liquors even for a small amount of money.

"Twenty years ago it was all about taking cider to the park and sharing it with six others," said Institute for Alcohol Studies policy director Katherine Brown. "Now they're taking vodka because it's so cheap and easy to access. And you can buy a three-liter bottle of super-strength cider for £2."

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