Dyslexia Latest News Updates: How Dyslexic Students Survive University Life

Dyslexia may have literary mean "difficulty in reading and learning," however, the meaning varies with its cognitive functions and environmental factors. With that said, stepping into a university might be exciting yet challenging but those with dyslexia need not worry.

Dyslexic persons are not much different from non-dyslexic peers in understanding their subjects. Even though dyslexic individuals may find it harder to read and comprehend the academic stuff but they could be tough competitors in other activities.

There are, however, some biological and environmental factors that do play a major role in dyslexia. As a matter of fact, dyslexic kids do not often find their learning environments friendly as they tend to be distracted while their peers understand the academic subject.

Even though university life could be pretty tough to those persons with dyslexia, fret not as nothing is called "impossible" in the world of technology. According to The Conversation, teens can overcome it by using learning aids such as speech-to-text software, mind-mapping applications and "read and write text help."

Dyslexic students may feel they are not as fast their peers but the usage of aids or supplementary learning materials could help them cope up in class. Self-esteem is all about facing difficulties and overcoming them and not about losing in front of your peers. Taylor & Francis Online even pointed out that you have to "just deal with it."

So, are you thinking of peer support? It can be good as well as bad! But, remember all your peers too have some or other difficulty in life. Dyslexic teens should also accept the fact that they are solely responsible for the difficulty they are facing and go around with confidence, explaining people "what is dyslexia." Take note, self-declaration is all that matters.

Finally, dyslexia is not the deciding factor of anyone's future. It will not decide how "smart" or "clever" a person is. Dyslexia is not a disease and not a part of any individual instead, it is a part of the education system that defines "a person with reading disability."

Meanwhile, a person with dyslexia could be a rockstar, athlete, politician etc. But despite the challenges, a dyslexic person could still survive university life and emerge successful.

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