"Pokemon Go" is now running on its 3rd month now and constant updates are happening regularly. As of today, Niantic was able to make some improvements despite several issues that the "Pokemon Go" had been through including the infamous "Pokemon Go" hacks and cheats.
Niantic's upcoming "Pokemon Go" update focused on the "Pokemon Go" Gym Battle. According to Game N' Guide, Niantic addressed the issue about the game lag during the "Pokemon Go" Gym Battle.
A new buff system has been added that will make the "Pokemon Go" Gym Battle a better experience. "Pokemon Go" players will notice the significant change during the course of the game as the delay and lag will no longer be a problem anymore.
Trainers, Gym training just got easier… https://t.co/xeT1mYOrdp pic.twitter.com/sxxWBBseYz
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) October 6, 2016
The new "Pokemon Go" buffering system would be the biggest addition, as players can use a quick attack that can be executed after the last move made. The buffer system will also affect the button mashing mechanic of the "Pokemon Go."
Gottabe Mobile discussed other few additions in the future "Pokemon Go" updates. Regular "Pokemon Go" updates prove that Niantic is hands-on with the game and has been working on any "Pokemon Go" improvements real-time.
The "Pokemon Go" Trade system will soon be released. In the said "Pokemon Go" Trade system, players can exchange their unwanted or spare Pokemons for any Pokemons that other players had. "Pokemon Go" Trade can be done regardless of the level and abilities, anytime, anywhere. The Pokemons that cannot be tamed due to the trainer's level restriction can be put in the "Pokemon Go" stash for future purposes.
Niantic CEO John Hanke also mentioned the planned improvements on the PokeStops, "Pokemon Go" Gym and Leaderboards system. Though Hanke didn't mention when, fans can expect that this "Pokemon Go" update will be released before the year ends.