Success At Workplace Dependent On Qualities Developed During Childhood

Work ethics is increasingly becoming one of the most sought after traits by employers in their potential candidates. Qualities such as punctuality, adaptability, positive outlook and team behavior go a long way in taking an individual's career to new heights. Interestingly, these attributes are shaped in one's life slowly, evolving from the childhood and thriving through one's adulthood.

The right kind of parenting is highly influential in molding a child into an enterprising adult. Apart from life skills, children need to be taught to make their time at work rewarding. According to a Gallup Poll, American adults who work full time are known to spend an average of 47 hours per week at work. With such a trend prevailing, it is important for people to make their time at work worthwhile.

How can good parenting contribute towards a better work performance? Well, there is a lot that parents can do in order to mold the child's overall personality. Training children to respond to parents and others immediately, instills in them a sense of responsibility. In a workplace, the faster an employee responds, the more dependable he is considered, as studied by Herald Tribune.

Obeying parents and other family members with a happy heart inculcate a sense of cheerfulness in the child. This moves on through his growing years to develop him/her into an adult who brings in exuberance at the workplace. Be it with colleagues on a boring day or with clients on a stressful meeting, an employee needs to know how to handle situations with a positive attitude and build team spirit.

Regular feedbacks to children and constructive criticism help them understand and acknowledge their mistakes. It not only enables them to learn where they went wrong but also drives them to improve themselves when communicated in the right fashion. As an employer, one of the key factors that are considered for the evaluation of an employee is the attitude he reflects when subjected to criticism. Will he rise from it? Will he succumb to negative thoughts? The latter will be avoided when a person has learned to take feedback and improve over the years.

Parents, therefore, have to ensure molding their children has to involve a goal of developing them into individuals with high work ethics that will assure them with success at their workplace.

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