Moms Ask: How Many Calories Does Breastfeeding Burn? [Experts Reveal]

Studies have proven that breastfeeding is beneficial to newborn babies. Breastmilk provides vitamins and nutrients that boost babies' immune systems. It also helps in the growth and development of babies.

As much as breastfeeding helps newborn babies, it is also proven to benefit moms.

Among the most interesting for some moms is knowing that breastfeeding can help in losing postpartum weight. Thus, some moms ask, "How many calories does breastfeeding burn?"

When moms produce milk, the body also burns calories. 

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How many calories does breastfeeding burn?

According to the Healthline, every day, moms burn around 500 calories. That is by producing breast milk. Hence, it helps in losing weight faster after giving birth.

Healthline also emphasizes that although this is not a weightloss miracle, the 500 calories burned is an excellent way to jumpstart the weight loss.

Aside from the 500 calories burned, the answer to the question, "How many calories does breastfeeding burn?" depends on how often a mom breastfeeds, the amount of milk produced, or the baby's age.

According to Verywell Family, if a mom exclusively breastfeeds a baby for eight to twelve times a day, many more calories are burned.

Also, compared to those moms who have low milk supply, those who produce more milk burn more calories.

Additionally, when a baby is older and starts eating solid foods, they breastfeed lesser. That is why fewer calories are burned.

(Photo : Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels)
Moms Ask: How Many Calories Does Breastfeeding Burn? [Experts Reveal]

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How many calories should breastfeeding moms intake?

When moms breastfeed, they should not only ask about how many calories does breastfeeding burns. They should also look into their calorie intake.

According to health experts, moms should add 500 extra calories for enough energy for daily activities. However, it is also okay to consume 1800 calories a day to boost weight loss, but there should be healthy meals and foods in the diet.

If the entire 1800 to 2500 calories are allotted to junk foods, then there is a chance that a mom could gain weight instead of losing weight.

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The recommended diet for breastfeeding moms

Along with knowing how many calories does breastfeeding burns, other moms are also curious about what foods would be best for their diet.

Here are some of the foods that can help in milk production:

  • leafy greens
  • eggs
  • seeds
  • lean meats
  • dairy
  • beans

Other benefits of breastfeeding

Some of the other standard benefits of breastfeeding to moms are:

  • Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reducing the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer
  • The uterus can shrink down to average size faster

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