Boost Your Breastfeeding: Top 10 Ways To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Some mothers do not produce enough milk for their babies. Thankfully, there are different ways to increase breast milk supply.

BellyBelly shared some effective tips to boost your milk production. Being able to adequately breastfeed has many health benefits not only for babies but to their mothers as well.

1. Feed as much as possible.

Breastfeed your baby anytime she appears to be hungry. Do not be too strict with your feeding schedule. Breast milk supply increases the more the baby feeds.

2. Avoid pacifiers, nipple shields and formula feeding.

Using pacifiers, nipple shields and bottles decrease the amount of stimulation your breasts need. Use those tools only when there is no other choice.

3. Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.

Breastfeeding mothers cannot afford to have calorie deficit in their diet because these are needed to produce milk. Best foods for a breastfeeding mother include oatmeal, salmon, spinach, carrots, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, bottle gourd, basil leaves, garlic, barley, chickpea, asparagus, brown rice, cumin seeds, black sesame seeds, oils, fats, apricot, cow milk, dill leaves, drumstick leaves, almonds, sweet potato and papaya, according to Mom Junction.

4. Spend plenty of time beside your baby.

"Plan lots of skin to skin time to help with the production of oxytocin, which is involved with milk production," BellyBelly advised. "Skin to skin time also encourages your baby to latch more often."

5. Drink lots of water.

Drinking plenty of water can cause constipation, hemorrhoids and anal wounds. Being hydrated also helps promote milk production.

6. Consult an expert.

If you have followed all of these ways to increase breast milk supply but still fail to do so, do not hesitate to call a doctor. An expert can help pinpoint the source of your low breast milk supply and suggest effective methods to correct it. Be patient and never give up on giving your baby the milk that he or she needs.


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