Xbox One Scorpio Update Hints at Console Price Range

The Xbox One Scorpio won't be released until next year, yet fans are already wondering how much Microsoft's new generation console will likely cost. A recent update has revealed the possible price range of the upcoming Xbox.

The new Xbox One Scorpio is currently boasted as the most powerful gaming console of the generation, and while that sounds pretty enticing, it also brings the idea that a hefty price tag will come along with it. According to Express UK, fans are worried that the new Xbox One Scorpio will cost a lot more than the new Playstation 4 Pro, which is priced at around £350, which is pretty understandable for a new-gen Sony console.

Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, who spoke with NZ Gamers said that they designed the Xbox One Scorpio parallel to the Xbox One S, and that they didn't want to separate the two with a huge price difference. "So people wouldn't look at these two things as so disconnected because of the price delta," says Spencer, adding that the Scorpio is a premium product, and not anything more than that, and it should be priced accordingly.

Fans can expect a price tag for the Xbox One Scorpio to be similar to that of any gaming console, despite the bigger processor, stronger GPU, and plenty more RAM, compared to the likes of Sony's Playstation 4 Pro. The Xbox One Scorpio also supports 4K Ultra HD for Blu-Ray discs and content streamed through Netflix and Amazon video.

Microsoft is still hard at work in polishing up the Xbox One Scorpio, as they want the console to be seen as one of the greatest gaming brand for consumers, where gamers feel like their getting the best experience while playing with the Xbox.

The new generation Xbox One Scorpio will be released in late 2017, almost a year after the release of the Playstation 4 Pro.

Provided by University of British Columbia