Tom Hanks' Wife Rita Wilson Reveals Favorite 'Forrest Gump' Scene; She Is Addicted To This Scene Up To This Date!

"Forrest Gump" is an unforgettable movie in 1994. It is a story of a simple man with such an incredible life that inspires people. Many had watched it few times but no one can beat Tom Hanks' wife, Rita Wilson. She is addicted particularly to the running scene.

Tom Hanks explained to The Graham Norton Show recently that Rita Wilson is fascinated with his butt. That's the result of Hanks' working out to cope with the required running for that movie, and he also gained the nice buttocks, as she puts it. It has become a habit of his wife to re-wind that particular shot to have another glimpse of the "Hanks ass."

Graham Norton requested Tom Hanks recite his famous running speech even vaguely considering it was a long time ago. Hanks complied but needed the lady holding the cue cards to make sure the credit is given where it is due. As he stepped back into the classic Forrest environment, he immediately switched to the "Forrest Gump" character and the speech was perfect.

The particular scene was when Forrest decided to abandon his troubles and just run. Since his life is about running, he made a conclusion not to stop. As soon as he runs out of his house, the perfect angle of Forrest's backside was captured, as per Cinema Blend.

That's actually where you can see the overall view of Hanks nicely-toned booty. The show advised that you can actually google it if you really want to see the difference. It could probably become more attractive after the three years, two months, plus 14 days, and 16 hours to be exact of running.

Jenny, the wife of "Forrest Gump" in the movie  may not be aware of this good feature of Forrest, but for sure, Rita Wilson does for the real Tom Hanks. Hanks is currently included in the predictions for Oscar's Best Actor award for "Sully who is now in the same no. 4 spot with Andrew Garfield in "Silence," according to Awards Watch.  

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