Based on a new study, high achievement cultures may add to the reason whether boys and girls are losing interest in math or not. Past studies showed that high achievement cultures are connected to why children are losing interest in math.
The course covers 500,000 eighth grades from over 50 counties showing how high achievement cultures add to why they are losing interest in math and how it affects girls more than boys. The study also provides insights into how close the gender gap is.
The research
The author of the study said that they need to look more at the idea that they can judge a country's school system mainly on what their students can achieve and attain. However, the other essential items, such as if students are losing interest in math and their other school works, tend to be lost in the process.
The author also added that because of the high achievement cultures, students are losing interest in math. They also found out that these high achievement cultures significantly affect the girls stronger than the boys.
The study used the 2011 and 2015 surveys to look at trends between math performance and the students' interest levels. And although these surveys have been done in prior years, these differ because the surveys include math tests and questions about the students' concern in what they are learning.

Results of the research
The study results showed that girls are less concerned with math in countries like Japan, Hong Kong, Sweden, and New Zealand. The results were reversed in countries like Oman, Malaysia, Palestine, and Kazakhstan, where girls were far more concerned and engaged in the subject.
One striking result from the study showed that national levels trended in any way; the effect was more evident among girls. The author said that this might be due to the girls' stronger tendency to conform to peer control.
Scope of the study
Although the research is valid, the author said that people need to keep in mind that the findings only imply the relationship between things, affecting how students engage in their school work, particularly in math.
Other studies are needed to know better the factors that can cause such results. This study can be a basis and can provide useful guidance on promoting math for both girls and boys.
Countries like Singapore have shown that it is within reach to engage their students more and have high performance, and further study of such school systems help improve the teaching methods to other countries and places.
The study's significance
Finally, the author of the study hopes that by pointing out why students - especially girls - are less likely to engage in school works, other experts and people of high power in society can address the said challenge.