Niantic's "Pokemon GO" has seen a number of changes over the past few months, inclusive of the new tracker tool and new baby Pokemons to be hatched by users. But one thing stuck to fans. Last September, a promised Apple Watch app for "Pokemon GO" has not yet materialized. Rumors have it that it has been dropped by the Cupertino-based tech giant.
What came as shocking news to fans of the game is a bunch of screenshots from an email reportedly Niantic Lab's representative. The email noted that Niantic Lab "have decided to stop development of the port" of "Pokemon GO" for Apple Watch. They will continue, however, when demand for the device increases.
This promise was made back in September during the Apple keynote event. The Cupertino-based tech giant partnered with Niantic Labs to create an accessory for the hit game "Pokemon Go." They furthered that it will come out for Apple Watch before the year ends. However, no news has yet been confirmed by either party regarding the release of the plans or any news related to the earlier-mentioned promise.
Debunking the reported email from Niantic, according to TechCrunch, Niantic said that the so-called "email" was "no real" and "development on Pokémon GO continues." The company noted: "Thanks for checking with us! The image in that Reddit post is not real. Development on Pokémon GO continues, as it has since before the Apple announcement. We'll have more news on the product soon."
Pokémon Go for Apple Watch is coming soon. Stay tuned.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) December 17, 2016
GameSpot reported that the Apple Watch is to display information concerning the "Pokemon GO" game, such as how far you need to walk to hatch eggs or how much XP you need to get to level up. The app will also show nearby Pokemons.
According to Fortune, the Apple Watch and "Pokemon GO" would have been a perfect match because the game was originally meant to be played "on-the-go." Also, the Apple Watch version was intended to include a fitness tracker and would allow players to control most aspects of "Pokemon GO" using the watch and no longer needing to take their phones out.
Despite the confirmation the "Pokemon GO" for Apple Watch is still a go, no further details have yet been revealed. Also, the targeted 2016 release date seems to be missed.
Stay tuned for more details about "Pokemon GO" for Apple Watch.