Healthcare Practices In America Are Contributing To Marginalisation Of LGBT Communtity

A charity that is admired by a lot of people, Stonewall has come up with some stats that show the health inequity in LBGT community. They have said that young gays and lesbians are more likely to drink and smoke than heteros.

Also that the rate of HIV in gay men is rising, one in 20 gay and bisexual men in the UK is living with HIV. Bisexual women have said that they have been harassed and persecuted at times. According to The Mirror, in a survey, it was revealed that 52% of LBGT's were self-harming while in straight it was 35% people who were self-harming.

The inequality in LBGT community is a must; they are a minority and discrimination is regular. Hospitals have not practiced any unique methods to help the LBGT's in a time of need. America may be educated, but it has yet not learned how to welcome people who don't fit in the community.

According to the recent survey that was carried out at an event, found out that about 3,000 people at work are uncomfortable with LBGT's. The NCBI News also reported that in some corporate areas, the LBGT employees there were bullied by other office workers just because of their sexual preference or attitude.

It is impossible that the LBGT can receive good treatment without proper staff. So, for a better and more mature authority some academics are preaching on the topic and telling the students how the LBGT should be treated.

If America wants a change, a positive change then they must groom and should take care of the community in such a way that they call this LBGTs one of them. As a start, doctors need to give the same attention to LBGTs like they do to some other ordinary patient.

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